I Listened to My ‘Soul Note’ and Now, I am a Published Author!
I Believe you were born with a unique ‘Soul Note’, a powerful energy signature that defines who you are. By Aligning with this Core aspect of yourself through the practice of meditation and mindfulness and emulating qualities of kindness, openness, flexibility, non-judgment, awareness, compassion and love will ensure your ability to read your personal life situations in a positive manner. Each step will be met with optimism, knowing new and unexpected paths have magic, synchronicities and chance meetings all coalescing to call your dreams home in perfect timing, not when the human mind or society thinks they should come home but when your higher, wiser Soul Note consciousness decides it is the right and fertile time for its completion. You cannot hasten the timing or the experience, only trust the path is set and keep working on anything that excites you in the meantime. You will be amazed and surprised at how your life maps out in all its glory.
Living a life of passion is not always easy, as many people believe they have to drop everything they are doing to follow their dreams. In some instances this is true yet in other situations your inner most Being knows you need an accumulation of experiences to be able to hold your life passion steadily and will thus keep shifting your focus until you have gathered all you need to make that flying leap. When you fall into imagination and dare to dream a new and different reality or version of yourself, an amazing mixture of hope and possibility enters the world around you. From this vantage point a call to action ensues whereby you, the dreamer must then begin to tread a steady path towards that hoped for outcome. As you progress towards the areas of expertise YOU THINK YOU NEED, often there appear many other paths and seeming derailments to that goal. It is not until much further down the path you realise your unique story has been unfolding. Even when you think your childhood or earlier dreams have become impossible suddenly they unfold before your eyes in the craziest, convoluted ways you could never have even thought up or conjured in your earlier imaginings.
There are some dreams that begin whimsical and remain illusive with no true drive to see them fulfilled and other dreams have power and potency behind them as though preset from a different place and time, whispering of a destiny hidden in time waiting for you in the future. Either way, how do we know if a dream is worthy of pursuing? The secret is in the excitement, joy and wonder you hold in the Core of your Being at the mere possibility of the idea eventuating. The unwavering knowing it is already yours, descending into every atom and molecule along with a decision to begin on a path towards your future. Secretly the dreams of the little Child-You never leaving your side for long will be your constant companion until one day you wake up and realize you are at your destination.
My Private Writing Dream Turning into Reality
I was a child who dreamt of writing and at the age of eleven fell in love with the power of words due to a little red haired boy called Ian, who decided I was his girlfriend. I met him at an interstate school camp where we exchanged shy smiles and somehow at the end of the camp exchanged addresses. From his distant home he found the courage to write to me. Enfolded within the envelope was a tiny hand written letter finishing with a poem of love to me in his simple grade six scrawl. I never knew words could be so compelling, filled with feelings of intensity transferred from pen to paper. I secretly held my treasure and kept his poems to myself, reading them daily mesmerized that someone in the world cared for me. I wrote in return in hope one day I would see him again when our two schools would combine through high school. In the meantime I stumbled upon a poetry competition, which inspired me to write and send in my first poem. To the amazement of myself, I won the competition and received a certificate. Sacredly I held that news close to my chest deciding it was too precious to share with ridiculing siblings. I also felt a little vulnerable and exposed wondering who would be reading it. Eventually I shared the news with my mother and my boyfriend from afar. To have won this large competition filled me with fire and the love of words on paper. My writing dream, especially poetry writing was born.
What happened to my little red-haired believer? Well tragically the dreams to meet at high school were broken by my mother who decided to send me to a city girls school. I had to inform Ian by letter that I no longer could remain his girlfriend as it would be impossible to ever see him or meet up with him again due to the long distance travel I would be subjected to with these new plans. Maturely at the delicate age of eleven I cut off the relationship so he could find another lovely girl who would undoubtedly become the recipient of those treasured poems and heart felt emotions. Ahh the horrors and pain of youth. Fate would have it that I managed to convince my mother of the detest I had for the new school and finally she relented and allowed me to resume study at the local high school yet when I finally set eyes on the boy with the sun in his locks he had a blond girl enfolded within his arms.
Now nearly forty years on I have written song lyrics, one of which came tenth in Australia at a song-writing contest. I have read some of my wilder poems at events and now have finally published a book. It is not the exact subject I had in mind as a girl (‘ The Secrets Out! Men and Sex, Why Women Say No’) but it is my first published book. Yet in the wings I also have a book of poetry, over 200 of them in fact, written twelve years ago and finally compiled into a book nearly ready to be published called ‘Kind Words Uplift.’ Watch this space…………
So needless to say the dream to write has travelled across a lot of time and vast experiences to finally arrive at a destination that now has me, Celia Fuller, published. Never in my wildest dreams did I envision I would be writing a self help book on relationships and sexuality, instead I thought my first forays into writing would be more in line with the spiritual and meditational aspects of my life path yet here I am as surprised as everyone else who knows me. I am sure up ahead those books will finally be written but for now my Soul Note knows what I need and I trust it will guide me to my destination.
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