BOOKS NOW PUBLISHED!!!  Available in bookstores via special order or through as an Ebook or hardcopy Purchase        https:/

The Secrets Out! Men And Sex, Why Women Say No.

NEW COVER Kindle Sex Celia Fuller 24:1:15


“The subject matter for Celia’s book is universally intriguing. The questions and details almost everyone is curious about, but few ask about – even if they knew what to ask. Her writing is candid, straight-shooting, human, warm and often funny! Easy to read and comprehend, this book is a must-read for anyone – man or woman – seeking a depth of understanding in their past, current or future intimate relationships. Well done Celia – a masterpiece in my humble opinion.”

 Irene Mcfadyen

The Secret’s Out! Men & Sex, Why Women Say No!

Celia Fuller shares her wisdom and insight within the pages of this book drawing on over 20 years experience as a Wholistic Lifestyle Counsellor / Consultant

 Are you frustrated with your Sex life? Is sexual anxiety, doubt and depression getting in the way of your experience of success?

Did you know that 90% of women struggle with confusion as to why their sexual appetite shuts down after kids or in long term relationships?They find their mind is willing but the body tells another story.Or are you a man continually perplexed by sexual rejection with a partner that seems disinterested in your needs?Then this book is your new friend. In these pages intimate secrets are revealed with simple blow by blow descriptions highlighting the specific, loving, caring sexual needs of both men and women.

Men will come to realize that women’s needs are often much simpler than first thought and romance does not always mean flowers. Sometimes it means washing up. By taking the time out to penetrate the deeper thoughts and feelings of women you will uncover a new way of releasing her sensuality allowing her to once again open up to your advances.Women on the other hand, will finally understand men’s emotional and physical needs without taking offence and give them more of what they want. They will gain insight into the male anatomy and its relationship to intimacy.

They will find a new empowered path beyond the hidden world of relationship anxiety and learn how to explore their own body needs with their partner.

Think of this book as the greatest manual you have ever found that will reveal many hidden secrets that both men and women thought were obvious and should have known about each other. Developing connection, care and deep abiding love into old age.

Pregnancy and Birth: The Conspiracy of Silence. Essential details they conveniently forget to tell you.

Pregnancy cover approved

“An extremely frank and insightful guidebook that breaks the ‘Code of Silence’ among the sisterhood of women. No longer should new mothers have to wrestle inside themselves feeling emotionally alone, inept or a failure.”

Eighty percent of new mothers feel shocked how radically their life is changing and feel as though a lack of truthful discourse among experienced women and medical personnel have left them unprepared mentally and emotionally.This book is filled with numerous answers to your questions, creating on open conversation with women and their partners, uncovering the emotionally confusing issues new parents face through pregnancy, birth and the adjustment period when baby comes home.Covering topics of, loss of libido, severe tiredness, anxiety, irrational crying, over protectiveness, constantly feeling judged by others, anger outbursts, natural therapy support, mindfulness and so much more.

Celia Fuller interweaves the voices of thousands of clients and personal experience as a Wholistic Lifestyle Consultant, Natural Therapist and Mother, to gift you this incredible book.Embedded within these pages are great practical tools and techniques, combined with insight, care and wisdom to assist your journey into parenthood.


Kind Words Uplift   Inspirational and Gift Card Verses

Kind Words Uplift


Words Heal, Words Uplift, Words Change the World. An inspiring collection of verses to revive relationships and put more love and meaning into communication. Show your love and care with these words. Take time out of your day to choose, rewrite or post your loving thoughts and well wishes. Be creative, make your own cards or create precious social media moments. Within these pages are over two hundred beautifully crafted Inspirational verses for any occasion interspersed with those celebrating the special events in our lives. These verses were written to help change the world, by healing and uplifting hearts, one person at a time. Celia believes, if each person fully nurtured each other with conscious present awareness, then their immediate relationships, families and friendships would thrive. When people thrive they share their good will and make the world a better place. She now asks you to join her and be part of the solution. Let her words uplift you and those you love.

More books coming……...