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Whispers of Women -Inspired Events

Welcome to the home of my specialised events formulated to celebrate the secret lives and pressures of women while at the same time fundraising to empower others across the world not so fortunate as ourselves.  As a strong advocate for extending generosity and creating a business model that reflects gratitude I have chosen to create events that offer a pathway to fundraise while still sharing my personal message.

It is my hope that through the events created many people will benefit by the exchange.

I am deeply excited to be partnering with Open Hands Education in India to create a pathway where funds can be raised and donated directly to our chosen causes without costly middle management fees.   There are some exciting programmes and developments we have devised to uplift many women in developing vital skills for life. In this way by helping develop individual lives we develop a family.

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Outback Tour 2022 – Parenting and Relationship Series

2 Day Workshops in Regional Towns Supporting Women through their cycles in  life.

Events Completed

Henna Party Fundraiser – Penguin Tasmania

Raised $220.00 Paid Sewing Teacher wages for 6 months 

International Women’s Day Luncheon 2018 –   Guest Speaker –  Celia Fuller

Topic: India’s Women, Travel and Culture  with 3 course meal

Raised the required funds to create a temporary roof structure expected to last 3 years for shade and sewing machine protection for our developing training centre.